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Using the proposed model, we estimated the spectra and coherence between the nucleus accumbens and the hippocampus. You will see that during the late phase of the experiment there is an increased coherence at the alpha-beta frequency bands indicating dynamics in correlations between oscillatory activities during the learning process.
Modeling Evolutionary Brain Processes
While learning a new skill or forming new memories, brain processes evolve. There is growing empirical evidence that suggests this but current models do not take this learning into account.
We develop novel statistical models that capture the evolution of brain processes over the entire duration of an experiment and apply this to analyze local field potentials from a macaque monkey during a learning xoeriment.
Authors: Fiecas (U Warwick) and Ombao (UC Irvine).
Collaborator: Eskandar (Neurology, MGH), Bandettini (NIMH) and Gonzalez (NIMH)
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