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July 10, 2017


  • New Shiny toolbox on  Robust-ITS Modeling and Inference for Interrupted Time Series Data by M. Cruz and Ombao, H.  (2017) available in Tools & Software


May 15, 2017
  • Yuxiao Wang successfully defended his PhD dissertation at UC Irvine. Congratulations to Dr. Yuxiao Wang. 


May 4, 2017
  • Congratulate to Xu Gao for winning UCI Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship award.


Feb  2017


  • Annalisa Cadonna successfully defended her PhD dissertation at UCSC entitled "Bayesian mixture models for multiple time series".Annalisa just started her new job as a an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics at the Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria. Annalisa will be teaching and doing collaborative research work with the Bayesians@WU Group, chaired by Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter. 

  • Space-Time students Maricela Cruz and Xu Gao win paper awards by the American Statistical Association. Maricela's paper "A robust interrupted time series model for analyzing complex healthcare intervention data" and Xu's paper "Evolving State-Space Models with Applications to Local Field Potentials" will be presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore in August 2017.

  • On Feb 16-17, 2017  The Data Science Initiative is sponsoring a two-day workshop on February 16 and 17 highlighting recent advances on big data in brain science. The event will consist of tutorials on Feb 16 and presentations & discussions on the scientific context and data/analytic/modeling strategies on Feb 17.  Schedule of workshop will be posted as available here.


Jan 2017

  • Two PhD students at the UCI Space-Time Group - winners in the ENAR student paper competition. 

    • Yuxiao Wang's paper is entitled Exploratory Analysis of High Dimensional Time Series with Applications to Multichannel Electroencephalograms

    • Xu Gao's paper is entitled Evolutionary State Space Model and its Application to Time-Frequency Local Field Potentials Analysis
      Both papers will be presented at the ENAR Conference in Washington DC in March 2017. 


Dec 2016

Handbook of NeuroImaging Data Analysis now published (H Ombao, Co-Editor). Click here. Contributors include UCI Space-Time members: CM Ting, C Euan, L Hu, Y Wang and A Schroeder.


Feb 2016

Check out our new paper 

"A Scalable Multi-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Model for Brain Activation and Connectivity in fMRI Data". The co-authors are S. Castruccio (Univ Newcastle, UK),  H. Ombao (UC Irvine) and M. Genton (KAUST). Click here for more information.


Feb 2016

H. Ombao presented at a workshop on the Mathematical and Statistical Challenges in NeuroImaging Data Analysis [Click here for workshop link] at Banff, Canada. [Click here for group picture link]


Jan 2016

Our paper "Understanding the Impact of Stroke on Brain Motor Function: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach" is now accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Statistical Association. The lead author is Dr. Zhe Yu, a graduate of our group and now a Statistician at Apple.. Click here


Jan 2016

Duy Ngo has received a Distinguished Student Paper Award from the International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region (ENAR). Click here.


Nov 2015

Bo Zhou's paper "A Dynamic Bayesian Model for Characterizing Cross Neuronal Interactions During Decision Making" is accepted for publication in JASA Applications and Case Studies. The co-authors are Babak Shahbaba (Bo's PhD adviser), Sam Behseta, Hernando Ombao and David Moorman. Congratulations Bo!


Oct 2015

Anna Louise Schroeder, member of the Space-Time Group and PhD student in Statistics at the London School Economics, received the best poster award in the recent competition in LSE. This poster is about the FreSpeD method for frequency-specific change-point detection which she presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Seattle last August 2015. Congratulations Anna!


October 2015

D. Ngo's paper in Frontiers in Neuroscience is featured at the KAUST Research. Click here.


September 2015

Congratulation to Annalisa Cadonna (member of UCI-UCSC Space-Time group and PhD student at UCSC) for the People's Choice Award in the UCSC Grad Slam competition. The video is available at


August 2015

New paper, "Simultaneous Control of Error Rates in fMRI Data Analysis", will appear in NeuroImage. This paper is joint work between Dr. Hakmook Kang with Professor Ombao and other collaborators. Click here for our paper.


May 2015

Congratulation to Professor Hernando Ombao, who has received a $160,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his collaborative research project, “Bayesian State-Space Models for Behavioral Time Series Data.”


January 2015

Group members (Z. Yu and H. Ombao) co-author winning paper on Safety in Arterial Roads. Paper presented at the Transport Research Board Meeting in Washington DC.


January 2015

CORCL Grant awarded to H. Ombao to develop new statistical methods for analyzing heart signals and behavior data.   


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